Accessibility Features of This Website
- Accessibility Features of This Website
I. This website is built in compliance with the principles of accessible web design. The main template is divided into three major sections:
- Top Navigation Links Section
- Top Menu Links Section
- Central Main Content Section
II. Accesskey Settings for This Website:
- Alt+U: Moves to the top navigation links section (U).
- Alt+M: Moves to the top menu links section (M), which contains the main links of this website.
- Alt+C: Moves to the main content section (C), which is the central content of the page.
* Accesskey Instructions for Other Browsers:
- Alt+Option + Accesskey Code: Google Chrome (Mac), Safari (Mac)
- Alt+Shift + Accesskey Code: Firefox
- Shift+Esc + Accesskey Code: Opera
III. When navigation via mouse clicks is unavailable, use the following keyboard controls to browse content:
- ←→ or ↑↓: Use the left/right or up/down arrow keys to move between tabs.
- Home or End: Quickly jump to the first or last tab.
- Tab: Once focused on a tab, press the Tab key to navigate to the content and browse the corresponding information.
IV. Sitemap
2. Products
3. Latest News
5. FAQs
6. Contact Us