- Terms
1. | Authorization Methods and Scope To facilitate the broad utilization of website data, all materials published on the Nantou County Government website are provided under a royalty-free, non-exclusive, sublicensable license. Users may reproduce, adapt, edit, publicly transmit, or otherwise use the data for any time and region to develop various products or services (referred to as value-added derivatives). This authorization is irrevocable, and users do not need written or other forms of permission from this agency. However, the source must be cited when used. |
2. | Relevant Explanations: |
(1) | This authorization applies only to copyright-protected content and does not extend to other intellectual property rights, including but not limited to patents, trademarks, and official logos. |
(2) | Users must comply with relevant regulations under the Personal Data Protection Act when collecting, processing, and using personal data disclosed by individuals or made public by law. |
(3) | Certain audiovisual materials, images, scores, commissioned articles, or other works that are specifically stated by the agency require prior consent for use. |
3. | Users must ensure that the moral rights of third parties (including the right of attribution and the right to protection against improper modifications) are not infringed. |
4. | Users must not maliciously alter information. If the displayed information differs from the original, the user shall bear legal responsibility. |
5. | This authorization does not imply that users are endorsed, approved, or recommended by this agency. |